A Parisian apartment

Freelance Photographer Anna Malmberg grew up in the north of Sweden and planned moving to Paris with her French boyfriend JonCha, who is a musician and made music for a play for a few months. But a few months suddenly became three years! Now they live with their 1½ year old son Sonny Lou at 42 square meters in the 13th district of Paris. 

Our home is also our working space, Anna tells and I think it is since I started to work mostly from home that my interest for interior design grew bigger.Now I do some changements in our apartment every week probably, sometimes bigger, sometimes smaller things. Like painting a frame or change place on different things.  

Her favorite pieces are the carved bull skull on the wall from Love Warriors  and a old basket from Bali that unfortunately is almost hidden with toys under our leopard chair, she says.When we one day have a bigger flat I will find a nicer place for it. Thanks for your nice email and sharing the pictures with me Anna ;)

Photos: Anna Malmberg 


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