New pictures of my kitchen {A big black cupboard}

It was quit heavy to get my old cupboard out of the garage but I am glad I did... When my oldest was in preschool they changed buildings and sold all the old furniture. I actually only paid a symbolic amount of 1 guilder lets's say 45 euro cent for the cupboard above.

It was painted totally blue like this cupboard And it took me about 3 weeks to take of all the paint, because by then, I loved it to be natural. After some years it became a storage board in the garage. Till I recently took it out and painted it black .... the door is one day in and one day out.... because I haven't decide yet... but little whi
te chalks are telling me everyday to put it back in and start writing! What do you think? 

Ohhhh for those who are wondering... Most of my white ceramics I bought at Op16, the little white tajini is from El Ramla Hamra and the big black star is from Hudson River.


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