About 5 months ago I was reading about an upcoming contest in VT wonen magazine to win a Loft floor out of their VT Wonen floor collection. A competition they would run in their August 2011 issue. At that moment I was planning everything around the bigger kitchen I wanted to realize over the summer holidays. A kitchen I have been thinking about for a long time. It started with my dream of a lofty space and my masterplan
When time passed by you might have thought this masterplan of me would never be reality.. But I make my plans and slowly,slowly I get there at the end! If you read my profile you know I like to do a lot of things myself, so it took some time before I had everything planned and enough budget to start.
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FLoor Loft (kiezel) VT Wonen collection |
Meanwhile I continued working on the kitchen trying out all kind of things: playing with paper and tape Painted the rest of my home and painted one of the kitchen walls in a beautiful black. Although I joked to my friends about breaking down walls and a then just simply win a new floor and finally not having to DIY for a while anymore... I was not expecting anything at all.
To be honest I was sorting out paint for the concrete floor in the kitchen when my telephone rang and VT Wonen told me I won the competition. And within two weeks .... VT wonen's Linda and the floor company came over.... I cleaned out my whole home, floors were placed and everything was photographed for the magazine.
And here is the article, you now also might understand why it took me ages to finally (being able) to show something of my kitchen. I think it was a really big prize and I am so great full for it. The result is amazing and I finally have realized my big plans. Winning this floor was the cherry on the pie in this long process I started with my dream of a loft. ;) Thank you lovely people at VT Wonen! You can see some snap shots I made of the photo shoot here: Snaphots from the VT Wonen photo shoot {unplugged}
Pictures by: Jeltje Janmaat
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