When can I move in was the first thing that came in mind when visiting the studio of Glass artist Phillippa Edwards and textile designer Sabin Kech.
I met Sabine at 'Open workshop day' last month. I visited this warehouse, near my house, where many studios are located and was blown away by the beauty of their studio. Bright white walls, the beams and industrial leftovers... Born on one of the Amsterdam canals I grew up with water.
And now Living in the Amsterdam Docklands is something I really love. Not only for all the water and the enormous feeling of space right in the middle of town. But what I really love is the history of the area. From here big passenger and cargo ships left to the former Dutch East and West Indies, the Americas and Africa. The whole area is full with renovated historical buildings and warehouses. I do my daily shopping in a former cacao warehouse and bicycle into the city center along the quaysides of the former harbor. I think you can imagine that living in this industrial historical environment is something I enjoy every day!

I met Sabine at 'Open workshop day' last month. I visited this warehouse, near my house, where many studios are located and was blown away by the beauty of their studio. Bright white walls, the beams and industrial leftovers... Born on one of the Amsterdam canals I grew up with water.
And now Living in the Amsterdam Docklands is something I really love. Not only for all the water and the enormous feeling of space right in the middle of town. But what I really love is the history of the area. From here big passenger and cargo ships left to the former Dutch East and West Indies, the Americas and Africa. The whole area is full with renovated historical buildings and warehouses. I do my daily shopping in a former cacao warehouse and bicycle into the city center along the quaysides of the former harbor. I think you can imagine that living in this industrial historical environment is something I enjoy every day!

Pictures below are made in the studio of Juul van den Heuvel I loved her work and presentation

Wanneer kan ik erin was het eerste dat bij mij opkwam bij het bezoeken vanhet atelier van Glas artiste Phillippa Edwards en textiel designer Sabin Kech. Ik ontmoette hen tijdens de 'Open atelier route' vorige maand. Ik bezocht pakhuis Wilhelmina, vlakbij mijn huis, waar veel kunstenaars hun atelier hebben en was meteen weg van bovenstaande studio.. mooie wit gestucte muren, balken en industriele details.
Geboren aan een Amsterdamse gracht ben ik opgegroeid met water. Dus wonen in de voormalige Amsterdamse haven is iets waar ik heel erg van hou. Ik geniet elke dag van het water en het ruimtelijke gevoel zo vlak bij de binnenstad. Vooral de historie van het gebied vind ik geweldig... al boodschappen doende in een voormalig cacao pakhuis , kijk je uit op de kades waar vandaan vroeger grote passagiers en vracht schepen richting Oost en west Indie, Amerika en Afrika vertrokken en fiets je langs diezelfde kades richting binnenstad.
Pictures © by me
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