So Christmas is really over now... the tree is down and there it is in all it's glory... my new concrete wall in the living room ... beautiful light grayish, naked and still feeling a bit like a stranger in the house.... screaming for some decoration !!
The new year brings many of us to think about a fresh start, something new in our houses, a new colour, a complete new look or, just like me, some new decoration ideas..
Being totally in love with the industrial feeling concrete is adding to my place ... I am walking around for some days now thinking off what would fit with the new wall. Something that would intensify that raw feeling and have the right color.
For my birthday I got this book called 'How they work' It is filled with pictures of the work spaces of some of the major Dutch designers. I have always had a weak for this kind of places Maybe it is coming from this old book I have, with black and white photos by Nat Finkelstein.
It shows pictures of Andy Warhol hanging out with Bob Dylan, Lou Reed and the Velvet Underground and working in his studio. Pictures of big. spaces with an industrial character. Unfinished floors and painted brick walls in white or silver workshop look.
Factory of Piet Hein Eek - Andy Warhol and Tom Dixon
Don't you think bright new objects photographed with a raw industrial background, like concrete, metal windows, stripped ceilings or old wooden floors is a great combination?
That is maybe also why I like to take catalogs home.. Lately I picked up one of Tom Dixon with great photo shoots at deserted stripped down factory's ..... I think I might just cut some pages out of it and add them to my wall.
All pictures made by me
(except the ones used in the collage)
Een nieuw jaar en een niewe kerst is nu echt voorbij, een nieuw jaar en op zoek naar een nieuwe invulling voor de nu lege muur.. Waarschijnlijk worden het foto's geknipt uit de catalogus van Tom Dixon... foto's van mooie nieuwe objecten tegen een industriele achtergrond.
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