Beside the bottle of wine for diner, we Dutch like to give some flowers or plants when we go and visit family or friends. In spring there are lots of plants for the garden or balcony to choose from, but most come in boring little plastic pots and aren't really exciting to give, so why not pimp them a bit. These I wrapped in some white and grey linnen. When buying them I remembered to have seen a post at Modern Country, where Aina used potato bags and I thought it was a great idea to use some fabric instead of paper or cardboard I normally use.
I am wondering if and what you bring along when visiting friends or family.....

Fifi Flowers...
I think most of you might have come across the blog or Etsy store of the talented Fifi. In her own special way she makes little paintings of pictures. Once she surprised me with a painting she made of one of the pictures I posted (see here) A picture of my cat lying in the sun. Some weeks ago we got in touch and she told me she wanted to donate me the painting. Yesterday it arrived. Thank you so much Fifi, I will give it a special place! If you would like to have a painting from your pet or home then visit Fifi Flowers website.

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