De grote kelk hierboven stond al twee jaar op mijn verlanglijstje omdat ik hoopte dat er ooit een 50% labeltje aan zou komen te hangen heb ik hem nooit gekocht, nu uiteindelijk toch meegenomen. Het medaillon doosje met de oud roze binnenvoering, kreeg ik van Myrna en Malica en kleurt prachtig bij deze zilver tinten.
Some years ago I started to collect this Poor mans silver, the originally poor mans silver is called Mercury glass I believe and had two layers with a lick of silver paint in between. Especially when days getting longer I like to make a little corner with it and watch it shining in front of my mirror. This week I bought three new objects, from which two of black glass. The big vase I was watching for two years and promised my self not to take it home until a 50% sale label would hang on it,, but as you see I broke my promise. The cute old medal box is a present from Myrna and Malica and it cute old pink color fits great with the shade of 'silver'
Il y a quelque ans que j'ai ce petit collection de 'Poor mans silver' argenterie du pauvre ou verre mercurisé. Cette semaine j'en ai acheter quel qu'un en plus. J'aime bien les mettre d'avant mon miroir quand les jours devient plus longes. Le petit casse de médaillon était une present de Myrna et Malica (www.tuttemerull.nl)
Sono un paio di anni che ogni tanto compro di questi objecti e candele 'Poor mans silver' (vetro pitturata con la pittura argenta) Questa settimana ne ho comperato altro tre.. sono bellissimi quando qui al Nord le giornate diventano più corti. Il tempo da mettergli davanti allo specchio e guardare il suo colore bellissima, La picolla scatola era un regalo da Myrna e Malica (www.tuttemerull.nl)
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